Some good news: the medication is working and I am feeling a lot better. A relief considering that there was talk of it preventing/postponing my travel to Italy (the equilibrium/ear drum issues would have proven very very very bad when flying). I am still not 100% (I’d say I am about 70% at the moment) but that is a BIG improvement.
Some bad news: I still have to catch up on the course work I could not do the other week at the same time that I am scurrying around doing last preparations for Italy. Not an easy feat.
Some good news: I have made a good deal of progress preparing things for Italy. It has taken a lot of work but it is worth it. I am currently sorting through all the stuff I have and making a list of the stuff I need to buy. Checking, double checking, and triple checking that I have covered everything on the list SBI sent out.
Some bad news: The list has proven a pricey endeavor. And we are still unsure where to get some of the things I need.
Some good news: I am super thankful for the SBI facebook page. Alumni and staff have been extremely helpful answering questions and giving suggestions concerning preparation and travel. Also I have talked to banks and credit card companies so I should not be arrested for trying to use my accounts and such while I am in England (my layover is in London) and Italy.
Some bad news: Still trying to figure out the setup and stuff for the international phone I got. Apparently I need to know country codes if I want to use it. I did not know there was such a thing. And it is still real expensive to use (aka it’s for emergencies only and I shall not be giving the number out to many people)
Some good news: It is less expensive than trying to use my normal phone over there. And it has a UK # how cool is that? FYI my normal phone will still be active here in the states under the watchful eye of my mother who will relay any messages to and from me if necessary. But email, skype, or facebook would probably be faster (not to mention cheaper) means of communication.
Some bad news: I still need to get special adapter/converter plug things. Their electrical outlets are shaped differently and they use different voltage levels. If I do not get the right ones my electronics could blow up L
Some good news: All this will be done in less than two weeks. Only one week and two days until I am in Italy! (So naturally I will be doing the official packing in 1 week and 1 day LOL)
Until then, Stacy
Sister, I think you will be leaving soon! Thinking of you and praying for you today. Have a BLAST!! Can't wait to hear about your time. Please keep me updated and send pictures. Know that wherever you go, Jesus goes with you. Hold on to His hand, listen for His voice, and enjoy the ride with Him! SO excited for you (and slightly jealous too!) Know that you're loved and prayed for!