Tuesday, January 10, 2012

God is Good

So I know that I should have posted the first half of this over break but please forgive me.  Besides I kind of think they go good together.  You'll see...
Irepeat: God is sooooo good!  In his infinite wisdom He provided more funds than we thought we needed.  About 25% more than asked for to be more precise. He knew we would need more. Turns out there will definitely be charges for an extra suitcase (or two) and a couple other things. 
It took a lot of research but travel insurance is arranged and I have officially bought my ticket :)  Thank you Mom.  My flight is booked for February 2nd 6:30pm!  I am really excited. 
Okay I survived the end of the fall semester (all As & Bs) only to have my Grandma Joanne (my father’s mother) pass away Christmas Eve. Kind of put a damper on the holiday spirit in the family.  It was not entirely unexpected (her health had been going slowly for a long time) but it is still strange to think that she is dead.  She knew the gospel and proclaimed to be a believer before her accident 19 years ago.  I do not remember hearing her mention her faith much if at all in the years since then, but the Lord remembers. Again I proclaim that God is good and He is in control so we lift her up to Him in hope and faith that He spread His love and grace lavishly upon her. Please keep our family in prayer.
I am currently back at PBU taking an extra class (supper concentrated – a whole semester’s worth of content and homework in 2 weeks). And I am very sick.  I have been up the past three nights with a fever and I have a sinus infection so my nose is stuffed and such.  Not to mention that I hurt all over and feel really weak.  It’s bad - I can barely open doors or pick up my bag.  I went to the doctor and he wants me to see a specialist because my balance is off and I am so disoriented.  But, for the moment, he put me on a few medications that will hopefully help.  Meanwhile I have fallen behind in my work and worry if I have the time or the energy to catch up (the class ends this Friday).  My professor said he would give me an extension but we shall see.  Again I say God is good and wise and in control of my life.
Keep praying.  Stacy

1 comment:

  1. will pray for you stacy!
    so glad to hear that plans are good to go for italy!
    glad to hear an update of your christmas break and you're trust in God's goodness.
    psalm 118:9 says that it's better to trust in God than in princes - He is definitely faithful no matter what and He is always for us.
    it's encouraging to see how positive your outlook is through everything :)
